Co-Créateurs: “A More Collective Approach To Entrepreneurship”

Co-créateurs is Cécile Devroye’s attempt to connect solo entrepreneurs and build a community where the collective dynamic is the keyword. Silicon Luxembourg caught up with Cécile to learn more about her initiative. 

Why did you decide to launch Co-créateurs?

I used to work in the film industry but then I realised that was no longer for me and that I wanted to do something that contributed more to society. In 2013, I had the chance to give a TEDx where I shared my vision of a new economy, inviting people to follow their calling and create the opportunity to take the entrepreneurial path. 

I then became aware of the Transition Movement in Luxembourg and I worked for CELL, specifically on the REconomy project where I built a community of entrepreneurs. I realised that one of the main challenges of entrepreneurs is the feeling of being alone, even more so just after being supported by an incubator. Our system has created a way to individualise us but I deeply believe that we are meant to work collectively. I founded Co-créateurs to help and support entrepreneurs facing the challenges of being alone and dealing with all the diverse expertise needed to create their business.

What support does Co-créateurs provide to entrepreneurs?

We provide a peer-to-peer learning process to develop a sense of collaboration and solidarity between projects. Entrepreneurs gain mutual assistance and benefit from the expertise of each member of the group

I’m currently working on a programme called “Resonance” based on the 12 universal laws and where I include the notion of energy, vibration and frequency. The main idea of the programme revolves around the idea of being a collective and collaborating and harnessing the power of collective intelligence. Entrepreneurs follow this programme for three months, learn different skills and support one another in their projects. 

I also organise networking events for entrepreneurs to gain more visibility.

“The long-term vision is really to create a more collective approach to entrepreneurship.”

Are there any upcoming events our readers should be aware of?

The Ministry of Economy has asked Co-créateurs to organise a Local Entrepreneurs Forum during the Impact Days that will take place at Cercle Cité in July. We have launched the call for projects in order to select social entrepreneurs with a project that has an economic, environmental or social impact on the territory and contributes to the local economy. 

Five of them will have the opportunity to pitch their project in front of a local audience from all sectors who are able to directly contribute. Everyone has an interest in the local economy, and everyone can be an investor. It is essential to gather and contribute together to a more resilient society.

The Forum will be held on 7 July. For all our other networking events, keep an eye on our page where we notify our followers of all future events.

What do you hope to achieve with Co-créateurs this year?

I hope to raise more awareness about Co-créateurs and have entrepreneurs join the programme to learn about the benefits of collective entrepreneurship. I also want our community of Co-créateurs to grow and give entrepreneurs a place to share their stories and skills and where they do not feel alone. 

The long-term vision is really to create a more collective approach to entrepreneurship. Through our activities, we also intend to make people aware of the urgency of societal change, to mobilise them and awaken them to entrepreneurship. And finally, we are aiming to introduce the notion of social entrepreneurship in schools.

Editor’s note: Call for projects, apply until May 15, 2023